DATA AUDITING is newly introduced concept in SQL SERVER 2008.
Auditing an instance of sql server or sql server database involves tracking and logging events that occurs on the system.There are several methods to audit the instance or database
---syntax for sql auditing.
create server audit example
to file (filepath = 'd:\example\')
alter server audit example
with (state = on)
---syntax for auditing the database in server audit file
create database audit specification example_db
for server audit example
add(insert ,select ,drop,delete on table_name by schema_name)
with (state = on)
---To check the data auditng by using the system function
select * from fn_get_audit_file('d:\xxx\',null,null)
Hope u gusy got the Basic idea about DATA AUDITING IN SQL SERVER
1 comment:
Hello Friends,
Auditing an instance of SQL Server or a SQL Server database involves tracking and logging events that occur on the system. Based on the information accumulated we would be able to track the changes to the database, access to the database etc. An audit is the combination of several elements into a single package for a specific group of server actions or database actions. New mechanisms for tracking changes made to SQL Server 2008 settings and databases could reduce the work associated with data security and compliance, and with development of data warehousing applications or applications that maintain offline databases. Thanks for providing valuable information....
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